Experimental Choreographic Residency Support Material

Tim Collins Broke my Heart! 2017

Tim Collins Broke my Heart! was created for Counihan Gallery’s 2017 exhibition; Choreographing in Two Dimensions. This work follows my attempt and failure to recapture that loving feeling I got when I first saw the genius Tim Collins dance. This boy’s genius is difficult to talk about and even worse to listen to first hand.

Flexible design series- 2016

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This series of design experiments was created for a performance at Dark Mofo’s Blacklist event. My assignment included creating a series of 14 individual costumes for a number of people who I had never met and whose sizes I didn’t know. I took my inspiration from a principle proposed by Léopold Lambert and Minh-Ha T. Pham in their essay Spinoza in a Tshirt– a manifesto for designers who don’t know what bodies aren’t

The resulting costumes included no seams- and were constituted by 2 or 3 large pattern pieces per garment, attached with clips. This meant that each garment could be adjusted to fit any body shape based on the way it was assembled, and allowed for complete freedom of movement given their openly draped structure. These garments followed the choreographic principles of dynamism and flexibility to allow for a huge degree of individuation in body shape

Camel 2016

Camel was created for Next Wave Festival 2016 and premiered at Arts House North Melbourne Town Hall. Camel was a herotic effort to get to the heart of the matter, though the subject of the matter is still unclear. Dance, text, costumes, music, robots, lighting, metaphors, ideas and other theatrical traditions faced off against each other either for or against the service of clarifying their own mission.

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